Tag Archives: Chouchani

מר שושני והרבי

מר שושני ביקש וקיבל טלית מהרבי מליובביץ. עוד מאמר על “הגאון המסתורי”.
Monsieur Chouchani a demandé et a reçu un Talith du Rabbi de Loubavitch. Voici un nouvel article sur le “génie mystérieux”.03-12-2015-16-07-10-Beis-Moshiach-998-36-758x496
Mister Shoshani requested and received a Talith from the Lubavitch Rabbi. Here is a new article on the “the Mysterious Genius”.ha Rabbi


“Shushani and the Problem of Humiliation”

“Shushani and the Problem of HumiliationIMG_3013

Not every teacher thus honored performed their task with equanimity of spirit. Many were angry, some morose. But Mordechai Rosenbaum (aka Harav Mordechai Shushani) presents a special case. His brilliance, erudition, and devotion to study are legendary, as experienced by Wiesel, Emmanuel Levinas, Shalom Rosenberg, and other members of an elite group of students. He was eccentric in appearance, behavior, and method, dressing poorly, maintaining secrecy in his comings and goings, saying little about his past, and holding marathon classes some days and disappearing for long stretches on others. (…) Wiesel also characterizes Harav Shushani as rude and abrupt, stooping so low as to mock, humiliate, and and torment his students. (…)
Harav Shushani did everything, in other words, that his student wouldn’t think of doing. Wiesel’s way is not to humiliate but to humanize.
Indeed, the relationship between Rav Shushani and his admiring student – humiliation on the one hand, loyalty on the other – replays how Wiesel some years later described the relationship between the renegade talmudic master, Elisha ben Abuya, and his lone remaining disciple, Rabbi Meir.(…) Wiesel never refers to Shushani as an apostate (though others apparently did). The question was more the effect of his teaching on the faith of others rather than on his own. Nevertheless, what thy shared was a pedagogy that had room for the humiliation of their closest disciples.
What then did our teacher learn from his own about teaching ? Perhaps he learned what NOT to do; perhaps WE learn, indirectly and paradoxically, that sometimes one chooses a master (or a master chooses a student) from whom one eventually diverges 180 degrees. But then again, it may be that Wiesel’s classroom teaching draws on Shushani’s, while filtering away its excesses.”

from ELIE WIESEL Jewish, Literary and Moral Perspectives. Alan Rosen.

“הרב אליהו אביחיל ז”ל על שושני “לפי כל מיני פרטים, שנלקטו פה ושם, הוא היה, כנראה, יליד מרוקו

הרב אליהו אביחיל הלך לעולמו לפני כמה ימים, זכרונו לברכה.
הרב אביחיל ידוע כאיש שנלחם כל חייו כדי לחפש ולהעלות לארץ את השבטים האבודים, מעט אנשים יודעים שהוא גם למד עם מר שושני – בן שושן כפי שהוא קרא לו, שהוא פגש בקיבוץ סעד.
הוא כתב על מר שושני בספרו : “היה גאון עצום, שלא מצויים כמוהו בעולם.” (…) “לפי כל מיני פרטים, שנלקטו פה ושם, הוא היה, כנראה, יליד מרוקו שלמד בישיבות ליטאיות.”
הינה כמה קטעים מהראיון שלו לסרט.

Prof. Benjamin Gross cite Monsieur Chouchani sur France 2

Quand soudain on cite Monsieur Chouchani sur France 2…

C’etait il y a deux jours dans l’émission “La source de vie” et c’est le Professeur Benno Gross qui a lui-même connu Monsieur Chouchani qui nous rapporte ici un de ses enseignements…

Emmanuel Levinas talks about his Master Monsieur Chouchani – an amazing Genius – Video in Italian

Video in Italian: Emmanuel Levinas talks about his Master Monsieur Chouchani – an amazing GeniusEmmanuel Levinas en Italien


Lévinas si sofferma inoltre sulla sua infanzia, segnata dall’ebraismo. Decisiva fu la personale scoperta del Talmud fatta sotto la guida di Chouchani, maestro di esegesi biblica. “Un uomo – ricorda Lévinas – che poteva attraversare un gran numero di idee, senza sentire l`obbligo di portarle a un esito conclusivo”.

Le fou qui nous enseigne la sagesse

Fou qui vent la Sagesse - Marc ChagallIl était une fois un roi qui avait lu dans les étoiles que la récolte allait être maudite; quiconque en mangerait serait frappé de folie. Alors il fit construire un immense grenier où il fit mettre en dépôt tout ce qui restait de la dernière moisson. Il en confia la clé à son meilleur ami, et voici ce qu’il lui dit :
” Quand mes sujets et moi, leur roi, serons atteints de folie, toi seul auras le droit d’entrer dans le grenier et de te nourrir comme avant; et tu échapperas à la malédiction. Mais en échange, tu auras pour mission de parcourir le monde de pays en pays, de ville en ville, d’une rue à l’autre, d’un homme à l’autre, et tu raconteras des histoires, les nôtres, et tu crieras, tu crieras de toutes tes forces : Bonnes gens, n’oubliez pas que vous êtes fous, n’oubliez pas, il y va de votre vie et de la nôtre, n’oubliez pas. ”
(Selon Rabbi Nahman de Bratzlav.)

Illustration : MARC CHAGALL – Le Fou qui vend la Sagesse.

Theater play in Italian about M. Chouchani (Shoshani)

In Italian, again! Miriam Camerini talks about her theater play Monsieur Chouchani (or Shoshani)Camerini_600x400

Fools and Children


Dans le Talmud il est écrit : “Depuis le jour de la destruction du Temple, la prophétie a été retirée des prophètes et a été donnée aux fous et aux enfants”.

It’s written in the Talmud: ” Since the Temple was destroyed, prophecy has been taken from prophets and given to fools and children.”

“מיום שחרב בית המקדש ניטלה נבואה מן הנביאים וניתנה לשוטים ולתינוקות”
(בבא בתרא יב, ב)