Monthly Archives: June 2015

Emmanuel Levinas talks about his Master Monsieur Chouchani – an amazing Genius – Video in Italian

Video in Italian: Emmanuel Levinas talks about his Master Monsieur Chouchani – an amazing GeniusEmmanuel Levinas en Italien

Lévinas si sofferma inoltre sulla sua infanzia, segnata dall’ebraismo. Decisiva fu la personale scoperta del Talmud fatta sotto la guida di Chouchani, maestro di esegesi biblica. “Un uomo – ricorda Lévinas – che poteva attraversare un gran numero di idee, senza sentire l`obbligo di portarle a un esito conclusivo”.

New Interview of Elie Wiesel in New York

Elie Wiesel interviewed by Michael G - June 1st 2015

Elie Wiesel interviewed by Michael Grynszpan - June 1st 2015
Nobel Prize Winner Prof. Elie Wiesel and filmmaker Michael Grynszpan met in New York this week for an interview. They talked about Monsieur Chouchani [Shoshani] who was Elie Wiesel’s teacher for two years and let a huge impact on all his other disciples around the world.