Author Archives: Monsieur Chouchani

The First book of young Elie Wiesel was inspired by his Master Shushani

The first book of young Elie Wiesel, never published, was finally found. This book deals with asceticism and was directly influenced by his master Shushani (or Monsieur Chouchani in French).
The myster.

“Shushani” – wrote Wiesel in his book (“All Rivers Run to the Sea,” page 150) “led me surreptitiously to a subject that had always fascinated me: asceticism, the lure and quest for suffering, the will to suffer so as to infuse one’s own suffering and that of others with meaning. We talked of the ascetic and his self, enriched or mutilated by suffering, the relation between suffering and truth, suffering and redemption, suffering and spiritual purity, suffering as a gateway to the sacred, the prophetic, rabbinical, mystical point of view. Was it necessary, even indispensable, to punish the body in order to allow the soul to soar to new heights? Why was the nazir (ascetic) considered a sinner in Scripture? Why was he compelled to bring a sacrifice to the Temple? How to understand the variety of ascetics?” (p. 150).

Read more here:

Three Masters sit: Borges, Kafka and Shoshani in the middle.

In this painting of the famous French painter Gerard Garouste “Three Masters and the fat gooses”, one can see Mister Shoshani sitting in the middle, between Kafka and Borges.garouste_les_trois_maitres

“Les trois maîtres et les oies grasses”, tableau du célèbre peintre contemporain Gérard Garouste.
On peut y voir Monsieur Chouchani assis au milieu entre Kafka et Borges.

Desentrañando a Shoshani, con Jorge Schneidermann

IDENTIDAD, DESDE URUGUAY – En busca de documentación para la elaboración de un documental sobre la figura del talmudista Shoshani, el cineasta Michael Grynszpan y su equipo de producción se desplazaron a Uruguay el pasado mes de enero. Jorge Schneidermann y sus compañeros Laura Klang, Ricardo Fleiss y Pablo Cúneo tuvieron oportunidad de reunirse con ellos para colaborar en parte de ese trabajo, como así nos cuenta en el programa de hoy.

50 years after prof Shoshani (Monsieur Chouchani) passed away - credit photo : Diego Moraes

50 years after prof Shoshani (Monsieur Chouchani) passed away – credit photo : Diego Moraes

50 years after Prof Chouchani passed away – Hazkara ceremony in Uruguay

Exactly 50 years after prof. Shoshani (Chouchani) passed away. On Sunday the 15th of January 2018, the Jewish community in Uruguay held a ceremony (Hazkara or Yortzeit) at the Jewish cemetery of La Paz (north to Montevideo) where prof Shoshani’s grave stands.

Here is an article about this ceremony that took place in the rain, in the national newspaper of Uruguay El Pais. They also mention the participation of filmmaker Michael Grynszpan who travelled from Israel to Uruguay to attend the event.

“La lluvia no detuvo homenaje de la comunidad israelita
Recuerdan al sabio Shoshani, inspirador de figuras mundiales.”

cimetiere - image El Pais 14 01 2018

(photo: Diego Moraes)

New article on Levinas and his Master Shoshani

Congrats Prof Hanoch Ben-Pazi!
Chanoch Ben Pazi
“A Philosopher in the Eye of the Storm: Monsieur Chouchani and Lévinas’s “Nameless” Essay”
This article considers the role of the individual during crises in humanism and the ethical responsibility with which the individual is charged in such times of moral calamity. In a narrow sense, the article explores Emmanuel Lévinas’s “Nameless” (“Sans nom”), an essay that appears in his book Proper Names, and proposes viewing it as his personal reading in honor of his unique, unaccounted-for teacher Monsieur Chouchani. From a broader philosophical perspective, the article attempts to consider the meaning of ethics and the assumption of responsibility in times when doing so appears to offer no benefit and hold no significance whatsoever. From an educational perspective, it endeavors to better understand the ethical role of the teacher in both tranquil and tempestuous times. And finally, it also offers another profound observation of what Lévinas’s article refers to as the “Jewish condition,” not in a national historical sense but as a model of crisis-oriented ethical challenge.
Read here :

חשיפה בלעדית: השם האמיתי של מר שושני

חשיפה בלעדית: השם האמיתי של מר שושני
הנה סוף סוף התשובה!!!

Lecture about M. Shoshani in Geneva on Sunday, 6th of November 2016 – in French or English

chouchani question mark

For all those in the world who are fascinated by the mysterious M. Shoshani. If you are curious to know more (and if you understand French!), you are invited to a lecture by Michael Grynszpan at the Kesherday in Geneva, Switzerland, on Sunday 6th of November 2016. The filmmaker will talk about his research and will show exclusive footage of his movie in process.
If you want to organize a similar lecture in English somewhere else, feel free to contact us.

Pour tous les passionnés par le mystérieux Monsieur Chouchani dans le monde. Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Rendez-vous en Suisse à Genève ! Michael Grynszpan y donnera une conférence sur Monsieur Chouchani lors du Kesherday le Dimanche 6 Novembre. Avec des extraits exclusifs de son film en cours.

Le mystérieux Maître d’Elie Wiesel – article sur les rapports Chouchani-Wiesel
Elie Wiesel and Michael